Hi, I'm Scott, your freelance coach.
It's 2023, and I want to ensure you have the best shot at achieving your freelance goals this year.
This won't be a sales pitch. Yes, I coach freelancers and wrote a book about it, but I've been successful and believe there is plenty out there for everyone.
I want to help you build your freelance career.
Each day for the next 30 days, try these actionable tasks you can do to help build your freelance career.
Day 1 - Your Path
Welcome to Day 1! Even if you're a pro, you will find this helpful.
As freelancers, we always get caught in a cycle of spending loads of time finding the project, doing the project, and loads MORE time waiting to get paid.
It's exhausting.
It's exhausting because of the anxiety of not knowing when you will get paid.
It becomes feast and famine.
The system that we'll build over the next few days will help bring in a continuous stream of work, ensuring that you're getting paid daily in some cases.
Today's task: Block out a 1-hour time slot somewhere in your day when you need a break. In this hour, we'll build a process for bringing in work.
Day 2 - Your System
Day 2! Let's start building a system where you can create a process to bring in a consistent flow of work.
We're going to focus on two ways of building income freelancing.
The first is called "inbound." When clients find you.
The second is called "outbound." When you find clients.
Inbound is the Holy Grail of freelance when clients come to you with offers and projects, but it takes time. We generate inbound leads by optimizing our social media profiles to appease the search algorithm, creating content on platforms, and writing content for our websites.
Outbound is when you realize that as a freelancer, you must be a salesperson first. We do some simple math to figure out how many people to contact. If your average project is $500, and you want to earn $2000 per week, you need four projects per week, and at a 1% conversion rate, that's 400 contacts (57 per day).
Today's task: Split the one-hour time slot in half, and choose what you will work on to increase Inbound and Outbound leads.
Day 3 - Inbound Leads
Day 3! Let's work on the Holy Grail first because it takes time; the more you do, the greater the return.
How to create inbound leads?
- Optimize your profiles. LinkedIn gives you 2,600 characters, and Upwork gives you 5,000. You must use every opportunity to optimize these for organic search.
- Create social content. LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, it doesn't matter at this point which you use because it's more about what you will use consistently.
- Create website content. Whether you need to write your About page, Product descriptions, or Blog content, every piece of content will help you on search engines. But don't use AI writing tools. They are against Google's TOS and can get your site deindexed.
Today's task: Choose one above to tune up constantly within 30 minutes of daily inbound lead generation. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be better each day.
Day 4 - Outbound Leads
Day 4! It's time to stop caring what other people think of you. Remember that salespeople generally have a 1-4% conversion rate. Refrain from judging yourself when you send 100 contacts and hear nothing back.
How to create outbound leads:
- On Upwork, generate outbound leads by sending proposals to clients.
- On LinkedIn, generate outbound leads by using the search to find people posting for help with a freelance job and applying to jobs.
- Build an opportunities list and continually follow up. On average, it takes eight contacts to close a deal.
Today's task: Aim to send at least 10 Upwork proposals daily and 40-50 contacts on LinkedIn daily.
Day 5 - Optimize Everything
Day 5! Prove you can do the job, and prove that you're low-risk. That's all clients want, the job done right and knowing that you're not going to flake out and leave them hangin'.
How to give clients the confidence to work with you:
- Optimize your pitch. Your initial contact must be personalized and thoughtful, don't spam with "I'm interested."
- Optimize your presentation. Design your initial presentation deck to tell your story. Start with a few pages about what you do and begin expanding. You can view my presentation here for an example of a high-converting presentation.
- Optimize your profiles. Whether your profiles are on Tik Tok, LinkedIn, or your website, they should be generating inbound traffic. If they are not, you need to add better content and more of it.
Today's task: Choose one of the items above to tune up each day. Whichever motivates you the most. Don't aim for perfection. Aim for progress.
Day 6 - Prove it with Profiles
Day 6! Today you're going to start setting up the profiles you need so we can start adding in the content you need to attract inbound leads organically and sell outbound leads with confidence.
Whether you have these as a freelancer, today I want you to start setting up and planning all of the content you need for:
- Upwork
- Fiverr
- Your Website
Today's task: Set up your profiles, and record how much content you need for each. Remember specialized profiles and the project catalog for Upwork, and your project catalog for Fiverr.
Day 7 - Get Writing
Day 7! Open up your favorite writing tool and get ready. You'll write a few thousand words about yourself today to ensure that you have a profile ready for views.
Here is the order to structure your profile:
- Upper Funnel - "Why does the client need me? What is their benefit?"
- Middle Funnel - "Here is what I offer to help you achieve that benefit."
- Lower Funnel - "Here is how we work together. I made it easy for you."
Today's task: Start writing your content in this flow of information. As a tip for structure, keep the Upper Funnel to one Headline, the Middle Funnel to a 2-3 sentence paragraph, and the Lower Funnel to 3 bullet points. It should be easy to scan and understand within 10 seconds.
Day 8 - Finding Keywords
Day 8! You're not alone if you need to figure out what to write. Writing like your potential clients write is the key.
Here are some great ways to figure out what to write:
- Job Descriptions - Find 10-20 job descriptions for the job you want to do and add common keywords to your profiles, website, and portfolio.
- Competitive Research - Search for a keyword you want to rank for and see who comes up first. What have they written that you haven't? What spin can you put on it to make it uniquely yours?
- Achievable Goals - Instead of starting with huge goals, "I want to make a million dollars this year." Make goals that will eventually get you there, "I will write 5,000 characters on my profile on Monday," "I will add three portfolio pieces to my presentation on Tuesday."
Today's task: Find 10-20 jobs you want on LinkedIn, write down 30-40 common keywords and add these to your resumé, profiles, presentation, and website. Ensure that all of your profiles are using the maximum amount of space available, if you have 5,000 characters in a profile, use it all.
Day 9 - Who are my Clients?
Day 9! "How do I know who my clients are?" Today I'll teach you how.
Here is how to find who your clients are:
- Know where you fit - With every project, there is more than one person.
- Know your solutions - Define three different solutions you provide.
- Know who can benefit - Think of the benefits these solutions provide your clients.
Today's task: Write down a timeline for each project and see where you fit. The people that you report to directly are your clients. Write down three solutions and develop three service variants for each solution. Then actively look for people posting on social media and freelance platforms.
Day 10 - How do I Find Clients?
Day 9! "How do I find clients?" This is the #1 question I get asked. You're ready to start finding clients and new projects.
LinkedIn is the easiest and least expensive place to find freelance work. We'll start there because it's free for everyone to sign up. There's no barrier to entry and no fees associated with memberships or project commissions, so when you earn money, it's yours.
Here is how to find clients ready to hire on LinkedIn:
- Search - Go to the search bar and type in "freelance position and we're hiring." For example, "freelance graphic designer and we're hiring" and hit search.
- Sort - When the search results are displayed, choose Posts and Posted in the Last Week. These results will show people looking for freelancers in the last week.
- Respond - With each opportunity you find, ensure that you like their post, comment on it, and contact them directly.
PRO-TIP: Organize your contacts into an opportunities list as I do here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mNLqfcGeMmZcHsAeftYnb9zb2xB_qH9PHsGgtxLQnZw/edit?usp=sharing
*You will have access to this list for one week. Feel free to contact any opportunities you think are a fit!
Today's task: Use the above step-by-step to find and contact as many posters per day as possible. Remember that if you have a 1% conversion rate, you can expect one project for every 100 contacts you make. If you're not converting, it's time to work on your pitch, presentation, and portfolio!
Day 11 - Make Connections
Day 11! It's a simple formula: the more people know you, the better your chances. Today you'll start building your audience.
LinkedIn is an excellent platform for this, so we'll start there. You now know your potential clients, and you're beginning to build personal brand marketing materials to give you the best chance to succeed.
Here is how to grow your audience:
- Search for People - Type the position of your clients into the search, for example, "Marketing Director."
- Sort by People - Click "People," and you'll see a list of people with the position you typed into the search.
- Connect to People - Start sending connection requests. You can send about 100 connections per week, and a great way to start building your following and relationships.
Today's task: Use the above step-by-step, and get into the habit of connecting to people every week. It's easy to add a couple of hundred connections each month, and networking is the name of the game in sales.
Day 12 - Develop Relationships
Day 12! There needs to be more than just connecting or following others. Today you will start developing relationships with each of your new connections.
It's tempting to get a connection, then pitch-slap them and hope for a response. On social platforms, this rarely works. You're much better at developing a relationship with the person. Remember that there are about eight touchpoints a client needs before they buy. You'll lose your connection if you try to sell on first contact.
Here is how to develop relationships:
- Show Interest - Choose something that interests you about your connection's profile. Perhaps they went to a great school, had a fantastic job, or posted something interesting. Tell them why you found it interesting.
- Ask Questions - Questions elicit responses. Aim for questions that can't be answered with a simple "Yes" or a "No." For example, "Did you like that school?" "No." Instead, try "What was your favorite course that you took at that school?"
- Relate-tionship - During your conversation, you will eventually get to a topic you can relate to. People want to work with others like them, and your job is to develop a relationship where you get on the same page.
PRO-TIP: Educate, inform, inspire. If you can get to any of these within a relationship with a potential client, you will dramatically increase the likelihood that they will contact you. Remember the long game; you're not trying to get work right now; you're developing a relationship where the connection thinks of you when the opportunity arises.
Today's task: With each new connection, start a conversation, and remember the eight touchpoints average. Your only goal with each contact is to leave them with a positive experience "this person understands me, and they're nice to talk to."
Day 13 - Pitch to win the purchase
Day 13! The first contact with a client is called your pitch. Today you will learn how to write a winning pitch.
The Problem: "I'm sending hundreds of proposals and not hearing anything back!" It's normal, especially in the beginning, to have a meager conversion rate, but what happens if this has been going on for years?
The Solution: Structure your pitch to be easily scanned and reduce the content to increase the speed it's read. Most readers will drop out after the first paragraph if the pitch rambles on.
Here is how to write your pitch:
- Section 1, Upper Funnel - Who are you, and what Problem do you solve for the client?
- Section 2, Middle Funnel - What are 3 options for the client, and what are the prices broken up into high, medium, and low?
- Section 3, Lower Funnel - How does the client begin the project, when can you start, and how long will the project take?
Today's task: Using the Pitch Template I sent in this series's first email, structure your content in the correct order. Once you finish the first draft, edit out at least 10% of the words, and keep doing this until you get to the minimum amount of words to get the point across. With Pitches, speed wins, and the faster your reader gets to the point, the better.
Day 14 - Presentation
Day 14! Pitching alone won't land you the project, here's how to boost your conversion rate.
I often hire freelancers to help me with projects, and each freelancer I hired had a presentation. Of the hundreds of other proposals I've received, only 1-2% had a presentation. I automatically disqualified 98-99% of freelancers because they have no way of proving that they could do the job, this is why you must have a presentation.
Use mine for reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dQE1Z7tlPncNAtE9fBwtZE-wp9ptliSy/view?usp=share_link
Today's task: Open Google Slides, Adobe InDesign, Keynote, or Powerpoint. It doesn't matter which software you use. Start with a short presentation of about 5 pages and expand to about 20 pages maximum as you build your portfolio. Presentations demonstrate more than just your work. They show your finish quality, attention to detail, and that you understand the flow of information.
Day 15 - Contact Information
Day 15! Be approachable, accessible, and relatable. Here's how to ensure customers contact you.
Clients want two things when they're shopping, convenience and low risk. With your first $250,000/year, you want to be as accessible as possible. Clients want the ability to call, email, chat, Zoom, and DM you. If you only have one place (such as LinkedIn or Upwork) to get in touch with you, it's high risk. What if you stop responding?
Here is how to build client confidence and get more contacts:
- Be approachable - Focus only on solutions to the client's problems. The sale will come if a client asks you for help with a problem. You don't have to pitch them during this contact.
- Be accessible - How many backup contacts do you have? Phone, email, and calendar links to schedule a consultation make clients trust that you are professional.
- Be relatable - How can you understand your customers on a personal level? Look through their profiles and websites, choose something you can relate to, and build a connection.
Today's task: On your first conversation with a potential client, discuss solutions to their problems and give away the answer with a process you recommend. Once you are finished describing the process, ask the client, "What do you think of this solution?" not "Do you think this solution will work?" You want to ask the first question because it progresses the conversation. Avoid asking questions that can be answered with a "Yes," or a "No."
Day 16 - Get Paid
Day 16! Be easy to pay. Aim for as close to 3 clicks to payment.
Worldwide there are over 1,300 payment processors, each country has its limitations, but there is a way for clients to pay you regardless of where you live. Your goal today is to give your clients a way to purchase your services like they would buy a product on Amazon. Quickly and easily.
The Problem: Many freelancers need help understanding accepting payments outside platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. Asking clients to set up accounts on different payment providers gives the client plenty of reasons NOT to work with you.
The Solution: Have multiple channels for accepting payments. Client on Upwork? You have an Upwork account. Client on LinkedIn? Send them to your website to process payment. Client referral? Website for payment. By making payment easy and familiar, you make the clients' life easy, and that's your job.
Here is the process I want you to build; I will use a real-life example:
- You're ready to purchase - "I'd like to buy your Book on freelancing before I start coaching."
- I want this to be easy for you - "Click this link to buy my Book, and when you're ready, you can schedule Coaching after you purchase a Coaching Session."
Today's task: Reduce the steps to purchase and incorporate your products and services into one area where the purchase process is familiar and straightforward.
Day 17 - Get Paid
Day 17! How to communicate with clients to develop business.
Clients WANT to work with you. When a client reaches out to you, they already think that you can do the job. The only person standing in the way of getting the project is you.
The Problem: Many freelancers rush to start the deal, so they rush through the process. Then they repeatedly follow up with "ready to get started?" until the client ghosts them. Then they blame the client, the platform, or anything else for the problem except themselves.
The Solution: In your first conversation, focus on the client. If you focus on the client enough, they will eventually ask you about your story, keep it short and end with a question. Remember that the project you want isn't about you; it's about solving the client's problem.
Here is the process for communicating with the client:
- Your intro should be a question - "Great speaking to you. Can you tell me more about your goals for this project?"
- Then you should confirm your solution is what the client wants - "I believe my services 1, 2, and 3, which range from $X-XXX, will achieve these goals. What are some must-haves for this project?"
- Confirm the budget - "I can include you must-haves of A, B, C, with service 2 or 3, at a budget of $XX and $XX. How do you feel about this budget, and which one would you like to pick?"
This process is shortened because this conversation can take a minute or an hour and varies with the customer's personality. The main point is always to add open-ended questions. The questions you ask should not be able to be answered with a "Yes" or "No."
With any negotiation, you always want to give the client the ball. They're the decision maker. Ensure the client feels that they have made the decision that is right for them.
Today's task: With your next client meeting to negotiate a project, I want you to take them through three steps: 1. Define the client's goals. 2. Offer your solutions with specific services and prices. 3. Confirm the budget with the client and ask them to make a choice.
Day 18 - Close the Deal
Day 18! Here is how to get the "Yes."
On a cold contact, the conversion rate is usually 1-4%.
Once contact begins, it should be around 20%.
Once you start negotiation, you must aim for an 80% closure rate.
It's not impossible. It's compromise.
Objections happen in every negotiation. "Why should I hire you?" "Another freelancer can do it cheaper."
By adjusting your communication style to closing with questions and taking notes, you prove that you're listening to the client and actively trying to solve their problem.
Client: "Why should I hire you?"
Freelancer: "I've seen a lot with my experience, but each client's goal is different. What are your goals for this project?"
Instead of fighting a seemingly offensive question, make it about the client.
Here is the process to get the "Yes.":
- You're the leader - When clients contact you, they have already given you a "Yes." It's your job to prove you can do it.
- Don't be a Yesman - It's good practice to say, "I don't know right now, but after this call, I will find out and give you the right answer."
- Give the client options - If you give them one price, you risk being too low (work won't be good) or too high (job will be out of budget). Every proposal needs 3 options.
- Ask for payment - Every interaction in this phase should have a link to the service on your site with the ability to checkout.
Today's task: Whether booking a consultation or sending an email, ensure that you're explaining the solution, finding answers, giving options, and making the transaction easy.
Day 19 - Get to Work
Day 19! One project turns to two, two to four; then suddenly, you have twenty or thirty...
...and you're digging through DMs and emails, trying to find "the thing."
I've been there numerous times. The files you need are in a giant email thread, buried in hundreds of "non-sense" emails, and pulling my hair out to stop the dreaded "I sent you that file a week ago."
The anxiety can stop with simple organization.
Ask questions, answer them, and make your life easier - "Do I need this on my calendar?" "Does this need to be added to Google Drive/Dropbox?" "Where will I find this when I need it?"
Here is how to manage your first project or your hundredth project:
- Do I need this on my calendar? - Has your client (or have you) added a date to something? It needs to go on your calendar.
- Does this need to be added to Google Drive? - Have you received a file, link, or asset from the client? Don't leave it in the email. Download it and add it to your storage system.
- Where will I find this when I need it? You'll need to eventually reference the file, go into your project management system and add the link to the task in your project manager.
Today's task: Manage your projects and files more effectively by setting up a Calendar, File Storage, and Project Management System. Then with each communication you receive, ask yourself the above questions and take action to stay organized.
Day 20 - Keep Talking
Day 20! When your clients understand what you're doing, they enjoy the process.
Every "bad" client interaction comes from a communication breakdown.
When you're being creative, you're focused on the job, but it's essential to realize that the client needs to know what you're doing to stay confident.
Often, this comes from the client wanting to feel as though they are part of the project and making decisions to get what they want.
Here is how to communicate:
- Keep your client updated - Add client updates to your daily system.
- Keep communication concise - It can be a simple sentence or a few bullet points.
- Predict the future - Here is a list of what I did today and what I expect for tomorrow.
Today's task: Add this communication style to your daily system. If you have a project management system, it can go in there. You know the project is important to you. What's essential is that the client knows that it's important.
Day 21 - Expand and Earn
Day 21! You're wrapping up your project. Now what?
Let's keep the ball rolling by understanding "lifetime value."
Sure, you just finished up a Logo or wrote a Blog Post, congratulations!
Looking for the next project? You may already have it!
Here is how to expand the scope:
- You're on good terms with your client - Project management and hard work have helped you come to the end of your project.
- Expand your services - What three services do you have that relate to your current project that you can sell?
- Propose projects - Aim to have low, middle, and high-value projects. If the current project is $500, give the client options of a $250, $500, and $1,000 project.
Today's task: For every open project you have, plan out three future projects for the client once you're in final revisions on your current project. It's much easier to convert an existing customer than a potential customer.
Day 22 - It's About Time
Day 22! Day gone by without feeling like you achieved anything?
It's easy to be busy.
Hard to be productive.
Here is how to take your time back:
- Block out your day - Generate leads, work on your brand, do focused work on client projects, and take time for exercise.
- Remove distractions - Glancing at your phone, hoping for a distraction is the problem, switch it to Focus mode, or better yet, put it on silent and keep it out of your studio while you work.
- Mindfully monitor distractions - Don't try to force yourself to work hard; you'll burn out. Instead, if you notice yourself distracted, take a break. When you're ready to focus 100% again, get after it.
Today's task: Block your day into 5 sections, 1 for generating leads, 1 for personal work (something that inspires you and moves your business forward), 2 for focused work, and 1 for exercise. Clean your workspace and remove distractions; when you find it hard to focus, take a break.
Day 23 - Delegate to Deliver
Day 23! What part of your business do you dislike?
Knowing what you like is easy.
What are you avoiding?
What is a waste of your time?
What makes you procrastinate?
Will your business run without you?
If you want to go from $80,000/year to $250,000/year, you'll need help.
To scale your business, you must eliminate tasks that aren't worth your time. Once you start earning $100-150/hour, delegating tasks to assistants earning $15-20/hour becomes essential to scale.
Here is how to delegate:
- Start small - What repetitive tasks can you describe in less than 5 steps? These are your primary time wasters. Train a Virtual Assistant or a Student studying your profession to do it.
- Practice Project Briefs - As you gain experience delegating the small stuff, think, "What would I need to do this job?" Write down everything you need and describe the task. You just wrote a project brief.
- Take Charge - If delegation isn't working for you, it's your fault. You can fix it, but remember the annoying client that gives you the information in small pieces? Are you being detailed enough?
Today's task: Find a repetitive daily task that you can describe in the fewest steps possible. Find a virtual assistant to do it, be patient, and make adjustments to get that job done the way you would. As you get better, you'll be able to delegate more complex tasks.
Day 24 - Alternate Income
Day 24! Working 80-hour weeks and wondering what's the point?
Elon Musk basically outworks everyone, with 100-hour-plus work weeks and an always-on mentality.
Yes, it works.
When I started advertising, one of the agency's partners dropped dead of a heart attack.
Yes, this does happen. Often.
So how can you earn more without working harder?
Here are a few great ways to earn income as you sleep:
- Knowledge Products - As you build experience, people a few years behind you will be interested in what you can teach, write it down, and sell it as a guide.
- Affiliate Programs - As you complete products, think to yourself, "is there any software I could recommend to make my clients more successful?" Find the affiliate program, sign up, and sell it.
- Ad Revenue and Sponsorship - As you build your knowledge base, write it down, and publish it; eventually, brands and advertisers will come to you with opportunities.
Today's task: Write down a few opportunities to sell knowledge, affiliate programs, ad revenue, and sponsorships. You only need a little to get started. Begin writing down what you know, and take notes as you go. Eventually, this content will help you market yourself and build alternate revenue streams.
Day 25 - Brains Matter
Day 25! Your experience is a gold mine to someone.
There are so many hours in the day.
Working more hours to earn more produces diminishing returns.
1 of the 3 top ways to build your income without cranking up the hours is to build knowledge products.
Here are a few knowledge products to get you started:
- Books - All of the experience you've built has gotten you to this point, and someone out there admires your progress, even if you don't. What would you tell yourself 3 years ago to get you to where you are faster? Write about that.
- Courses - Can you take what you write, break it down into steps, and help people learn? Courses are a great way to spread your knowledge.
- Videos - YouTube, TikTok, whatever platform makes you comfortable. Keep posting about what you're learning, and eventually, you'll get the opportunity to get paid for your content.
Today's task: Write down 10 things you have learned since starting that would get you to where you are faster. These become your lessons, write them down, expand on them, and make a step-by-step guide to help someone start their journey.
Day 26 - Money Momentum
Day 26! The average millionaire has seven streams of income.
Every little bit helps; don't let someone make you feel bad about earning a dollar or two.
They add up when we combine knowledge products, affiliates, and ad revenue.
Before you know it, your website hosting is paid, your phone bill, a car payment, and your rent, and then you're investing for the future with the profits from these passive income channels.
IT IS NOT EASY to make a lot of money with affiliates. But every dollar gets you closer.
You have all of the tools you need to get started now.
How to get started with affiliate income:
- Identify Opportunities - Everyone has an affiliate program, so every piece of software you use, from your Calendar to Design tools, Writing tools, etc., all have opportunities for you.
- Partner Programs - Companies like PartnerStack have complete programs where you can sign up for Affiliate programs quickly.
- Combine Content - When you see an opportunity to add your affiliate links to Blog posts, social posts, articles, etc., ensure you make the most of these opportunities.
Today's task: Write a blog post on your website or an article on LinkedIn and add a link to your first affiliate program. Don't expect much, but let it build up over time, and as your traffic grows, your opportunities will as well.
Day 27 - Trickle Transactions
Day 27! You have a ton of knowledge, and it will start paying you today.
Once you reach about 4,000-5,000 pageviews per month, it's time to start monetizing your content.
Major news sites earn most of their online income through ads. Now that your site is getting traffic, it's time to join the club of people getting paid for traffic.
How to get started with display ads on your site:
- Start with AdSense - Google's AdSense platform will give you an easy-to-use platform that can pay you up to $15 per click on ads displayed on your site.
- Apply to the Program - You need to reach a traffic threshold (which takes around 50 blog posts) to apply. Once approved, add the code to the pages you want to display ads on.
- Earn Income - Once your ads display, you'll immediately begin earning. It's not a lot in the beginning, I saw it as around $30/month, but it grows as you add content to your site.
Today's task: Apply to the Google AdSense program and start the process. Your traffic will grow as you write more content, and so will your earnings. It will start slow, but combined with knowledge products and affiliates, there is serious earning potential that earns income while you sleep.
Day 28 - Consistency is Key
Day 28! Ask yourself, "is what I'm doing now going to achieve my next goal?"
Consistency is the best way forward. Focusing on the best result of your actions will help you accomplish your goals.
It sounds simple, but it's easy to get lost thinking years into the future, often causing intense anxiety. "What's the point?" "I can't get work now. How can I build a future?"
This thinking is easy. Anxiety is worry about the future, and depression is worry about the past. We can't change the past or predict the future.
But right now, you can build yourself.
Your key to success is yourself. What will you do right now to move you toward your goal?
Here is how to stay consistent:
- Get Started - Write down your goal, and take a step forward. Repeat.
- Own The Day - Build a system to set you up for success. Remove noise from your life.
- Question Every Task - Is this essential to achieving your goal? No? Stop. Yes? Go all in.
Today's task: Getting started toward your goal is the key. Choose the BEST result you can imagine for your current task. Then try your best to achieve the best result. You will notice your goals changing as you do your BEST work, and you will achieve goals faster.
Day 29 - No One Responds To Me
Day 29! We often associate our value with how others perceive us.
It's ok when no one responds.
It's ok when no one responds.
It's ok when no one responds.
For each contact you make, repeat the above.
You'll have to wait to hear back (or maybe never hear back). That's ok. That is part of the process.
Moving on when you must get the next contract or job is difficult.
It feels desperate at times.
I will continue contacting prospects, expecting no response.
I will continue contacting prospects, expecting no response.
I will continue contacting prospects, expecting no response.
Here is how to keep moving through rejection:
- Expect nothing - Prospects don't owe you anything.
- Don't blame platforms - Opportunities will happen the more you work you put in.
- Optimize everything - Continually upgrade your marketing communications.
Today's task:
- Send your resumé to jobs you don't feel qualified.
- Get used to rejection.
- Remember that you may only hear back <1% of the time, and that's completely normal.
- Go out, and take that chance, we're all learning, and you'll only get better by making those attempts!
Stay tuned for more...

Then, pick one of these:

Freelance Coach

Freelance Book - 10 Step Success Shortcut

Freelance Success Digital Course
Third, try these:

Build Your Home Online!

All of the Design Tools Needed!