Ready to go from Broke to Rich? It’s easier than you think to make the switch.
I’ve discovered the top 5 things that broke freelancers do, that rich freelancers don’t.
It is easier than you think to join the richest 1% of freelancers.
Are you ready to switch to rich?
#1. Time vs. Knowledge - Broke freelancers sell time. Rich freelancers sell knowledge.
Broke freelancers trade their time for money. They have only one source of income, and when that dries up, it’s game over.
Rich freelancers not only sell their time, but they also sell physical and digital products and their knowledge in the form of books and courses. They also sell their traffic by leveraging advertising and affiliate income.
Here’s how to make the switch:
Remember that you have five income streams as a freelancer: Services, Products, Knowledge, Affiliates, and Ads.
Think of yourself a few years ago; what would have helped you get to where you are today? Start building that!
#2. Waste vs. Action - Broke freelancers waste time. Rich freelancers take action.
Broke freelancers add a service on Fiverr, send a proposal on Upwork, and sit there, thinking, “Why don’t clients hire me?”
Rich freelancers continually sell, reach out, develop their prospects, and build their personal brand on multiple channels every day.
Want to get the rich freelancer mindset?
Build a daily system and spend a minimum of one hour per day making contacts with new prospects and building your brand.
The sky is the limit when it comes to your income, the more you ask, the more you receive.
Rejection is fine, it’s all part of it. Would you rather get rejected 100 times to get 1 project or rejected 10 times and quit?
The faster you can repeat the process and dive into a new prospect, the faster you’ll achieve the top 1%.
#3. Pennies vs. Dollars - Broke freelancers race to the bottom on price. Rich freelancers understand value.
Broke freelancers choose any port in the storm, aiming as low as possible, charging five bucks an hour, or fifty-dollar flat-rate projects. Broke freelancers then ask, “Why don’t they hire me? I’m cheap!”.
Rich freelancers know that you get what you pay for, and that business owner they pitched probably spent $5,000 putting new tires on their BMW. So you need to ask, “Why would a client spend $5000 on something trivial like a car then turn around and spend $50 on a Logo design?”
Ready for riches?
Give clients a range of high, medium, and low prices. By giving your clients choice, you increase the chance of getting the sale.
Remember that an entrepreneur’s business is their baby. They understand investing in growth. They want the best balance of return on investment and lowest risk, they won’t cheap out when building their business.
#4. Ignored vs. Popular - Broke freelancers are invisible. Rich freelancers stand out.
Broke freelancers put the minimum amount of effort into developing their personal brand. Then asking, “Why is no one offering me business?” and doing nothing with the answer.
Rich freelancers optimize everything. They see every channel as an opportunity to reach more clients. Then ask, “How can I start this all again and make it even 1% better?”
Want to go for gold?
Make 30-40 contacts per day. Soon you’ll have thousands of contacts out there who know your name, projects in the pipeline, and the attention to build your business.
Choose a piece of your personal brand to fine-tune every day and in no time you’ll have a brand that other people look up to and want to emulate.
Clients want success. If you’re successful you’ll naturally attract prospects.
#5. Blame vs. Game - Poor freelancers blame platforms. Rich freelancers game platforms.
Poor freelancers blame things they can’t control. They say, “the platform is too saturated, it’s too expensive, and it takes too much commission.”
Rich freelancers game the platform. They say, “the platform is filled with opportunities. It’s easy to stand out because so few people put in the effort, and it’s much cheaper than hiring a salesperson.”
Want to switch to the rich freelancer side?
You are in complete control of the outcome of your actions. Other freelancers, platforms, and opportunities do not limit you.
Stop complaining about things you have no control over. No amount of whining about something will change it, and posting negative comments online shows that you can’t handle the heat.
Remember that making yourself successful and building your own brand will attract potential clients. There is no such thing as business to business, you will always be dealing with another customer, and if you’re successful, they’ll hire you.

5 things BROKE freelancers DO that the RICH freelancers DON'T - Change your Mindset
Then, pick one of these:

Freelance Coach

Freelance Book - 10 Step Success Shortcut

Upwork Profile Optimization
Third, try these:

Create Your Website

Freelance Design Tools