Conducting keyword research today goes hand in glove with any successful SEO strategy.

What is Keyword Research?

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Keyword Research Process

Keyword Research Tools

In-depth understanding of Keyword Research

Taking Keyword Research to the next level

Conducting keyword research today goes hand in glove with any successful SEO strategy.

Here, let us discuss how to conduct keyword research for SEO on creating content that informs, educates, serves your target audience, and improves search engine visibility. Develop robust content strategies that would maximize organic traffic and build higher rankings on search engines by looking at search volume, search intent, and keyword impact.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing expressions people type into search engines. It gives you insights into the interests of your target audience so that you can draft a content strategy accordingly. A well-planned keyword research strategy along with efficient execution is known to yield great results for SEO.

Why is Keyword Research Important?

Keyword research is important for a variety of reasons, such as the following:

  • More Visibility: Using appropriate keywords will make you appear higher on search engine results pages.

  • More significant Traffic: Using relevant keywords may drive more visitors to the website by aligning this content with what the users are searching for.

  • Better User Engagement: Knowing the intention of the search helps in creating content that resonates with users and has higher engagement rates.

  • Competitive Advantage: Analyzing competitor keywords helps in unearthing opportunities and gaps within the marketplace.

Keyword Research Process

There are steps to the keyword research process that I always insist that you choose to come up with the most effective keywords for the content you have on hand. They are as follows:

  1. Identify Target Audience: Who are your target customers, and what are they looking for; describe demographics, interests, and the need to tailor a keyword strategy.

  2. Brainstorm Keyword Ideas: Note down all the various keywords and terms that might be pertinent to your niche. You can get ideas by researching FAQs, relevant debate topics, and industry jargon.

  3. Use Keyword Research Tools: There are many efficient tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs, among others, which help in estimating volume, competition, or difficulty for targeted keywords. A keyword research tool is essential for identifying relevant keywords for SEO purposes. Tools like Google Trends, Keyword Surfer, and WordStream's Free Keyword Tool can generate keyword ideas, provide search volume data, and assist marketers in tailoring their content strategy to target effective keywords.

  4. Data analysis: Identify relevant keywords on the basis of search volume, expected competition, and difficulty levels.

  5. Design a keyword strategy: Set a plan targeting the best keywords for your content in pursuit of achieving your SEO goals.

Keyword Research Tools

Apply the appropriate keyword research tools to make sure effective keyword research for SEO is conducted. Here we delve into some popular tools and how they are best utilized :

Google Keyword Planner

This is free, with useful keyword data, including volume and competition. It will help you find new ideas for keywords and design your keyword strategy. Here is how you can use it:

  • Get Keyword Ideas: Enter some of your relevant niche seed keywords and get a list of keyword ideas in return.

  • Search Volume Analyzer: It shows what kind of monthly search volume each keyword has so that you can zero in on high-traffic ones.

  • Competition Analyzer: It shows how competitive each keyword is, so you can spot low-competition opportunities.


SEMrush is a strong tool, with an SEO tool package covering the most diverse functions: keyword research, site audit, and competitor analysis. It suggests keywords, gives search volume data, and even the level of difficulty in keywords. Some of its key features are:

  • Keyword Magic Tool: It provides a vast database of keywords that can be filtered by various criteria like volume, difficulty, etc.

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyzing your competitors' keyword strategy is key to identifying gaps and opportunities.

  • Seo keyword research: Use search intent and trends to understand which keywords best fit your content.


Ahrefs is also one of the most used SEO tools in providing a great number of features for keyword research, like keyword difficulty and search volume data, and competitive analysis, among many others. A few of its key features include:

  • Keyword Explorer: Detailed metrics and insight, combined in a comprehensive database of keywords

  • Content Gap Analysis: This finds the keywords that you haven't yet ranked for but your competitors are.

  • SERP Analysis: Know the competitive landscape by analyzing search engine results pages.

Moz Keyword Explorer

The Moz Keyword Explorer is a user-friendly tool that provides keyword suggestions and search volume data, along with an element of keyword difficulty. Other features it has include the following:

  • Keyword Difficulty Score: The score indicates how hard it is to rank for a certain keyword.

  • Organic CTR Analysis: It will show you how many clicks you can pull using your target keywords.

  • Keyword Lists: Group and prioritize keywords into lists and easily track them.    

Keyword Magic Tool

Keyword Magic Tool by SEMrush is an adaptive tool that brings long-tail keywords and groups into a keyword cluster. Here are some features of this tool:

  • Database of Keywords: Access to millions of keyword ideas, easy filters by topics, or themes.

  • Keyword Grouping: Establish keywords within keyword clusters, which are grouped under common themes or intent.

  • Advanced filters such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and others can really help refine your results.

In-depth understanding of Keyword Research

In keyword research, seven key steps are generally involved. Let's take an elaborate step-wise deep-dive on how you can do keyword research effectively for search engine optimization:

Step 1: Know Your Audience

The first thing that you need to do is to empathize with your target audience. Put yourselves in the shoes of your potential customers and figure out what they will be searching for. This way, you will be able to walk an extra mile and look for plausible key phrases whilst forming your content. You need to consider interests, preferences, pains, and needs, among other factors.

Step 2: Brainstorming Keyword Ideas

It is very important to spend considerable time brainstorming ideas to come up with relevant keywords. You could start by understanding the interests of your target audience and what they think of while searching online.

Here are some ways to help get those keyword-generating juices flowing:

  • Competitor Research: Know what's being used by checking competitor sites and their content.

  • Industry Forums and Communities: Search online forums, social media groups, and Q&A sites. More often than not, this comes in handy in regard to very useful sources of common questions and topics.

  • Customer Feedback: You can go through questionnaires, customer feedback, and reviews to get great insight into words or terminologies frequently used.

Step 3: Utilize Keyword Research Tools

Tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs will help you to get good keyword data like search volume, keyword difficulty, and search intent. Here's how to use these tools:

  • Google Keyword Planner: Putting your seed keywords will give you information on search volume, levels of competition, and some keyword ideas.

  • SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool: You'd then be able to get all of the long-tail keywords, put them into clusters, and use search intent to guide.

  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer: Understand keyword suggestions, search volume, and difficulty scores to be able to prioritize your efforts.

Step 4: Time to Look Through the Data

Use this data to sort through which ones have a decent search volume but low keyword difficulty. Focus on those relevant to your niche and might very well give you organic traffic. The important metrics that would be regarded here are:

  • Search Volume: The number of times a keyword is searched in a month.

  • Keyword Difficulty: How easy or hard it is to rank for a given keyword.

  • Competition: The organic search results competition for the keyword.

Step 5: Outline Your Keyword Strategy

A keyword strategy is very important to nail down the best keywords for your content. Evaluate the intent that your keywords bring out and craft content that will draw the attention of your audience. The following components must form your keyword strategy:

  • Primary Keywords: These are the main keywords that must be included in your content.

  • Secondary Keywords: Keywords that enhance your primary keywords.

  • Long-Tail Keywords: Longer, more specific keyword phrases with comparatively low competition.

Step 6: Content Optimization

Optimize the content based on the chosen keywords. The keywords should naturally fit in the content, including the title, headings, and body text—avoid keyword stuffing; it actually does more harm than good to your search engine ranking. Consider the following optimization techniques:

  • Titles and Meta Descriptions: Your primary keywords should be contained within title tags and meta descriptions for an increase in click-through rates.

  • Headings and subheadings: Keywords to be used in headings and subheadings for making the content better structured and more readable.

  • Body text: Your keywords should naturally flow through your content; at the same time, reading continuity should not be broken.

Step 7: Track and Refine Your Strategy

Keep tracking your keyword rankings, and based on the findings, keep modifying what is not working in your strategy. Track performance using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Look out for areas that tell you where you can improve. Key metrics to track include:

  • Keyword Rankings: It would show the ranking position of your targeted keywords on search engine results pages.

  • Organic Traffic: This would measure the volume of organic traffic your target keywords drive to your site.

  • Conversion Rates: This would make sure how well your content actually converts visitors into leads or paying customers.

Taking Keyword Research to the next level

Till now, we have looked at the essentials of keyword research for SEO. In the following section, we will look into some of the advanced concepts that will take your SEO a notch above the rest.

How Hidden Text Can Improve Keyword Density

One method that some websites use in an effort to improve their search engine ranking is to take the keywords they are trying to target, repeat them in a large block of text, and then make the text color the same as the background. This makes the text invisible to human visitors but still readable by search engines. This ensures that the content is very dense in terms of keywords relevant to your site and helps you rank for those terms. This can further artificially pump up the overall count of the words on a page, usually interpreted as more comprehensive content by search engines.

Although this may sound a bit archaic for a technique to be used within the SEO environment of today, it still seems to drive great results and has worked wonders for me. The method is very much AI overview-driven and is one of the many ways that help you stay relevant in the extremely competitive SEO world.

Advanced Keyword Research Techniques

If you're looking to squeeze more juice from keyword research, the following are some advanced techniques:

  • Identify Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases. Typically, they have a lower search volume, but they really have a higher conversion rate. With these keywords, you can attract a niche audience and draw more relevant traffic to your site.

  • Question-Based Keywords: Identify common questions that relate to your niche and create content to answer those questions.

  • Conversational Phrases: Think of more humane language and conversational queries used in voice searches.

  • Niche Topics: Stick to specific topics or subtopics within your industry in order to target the long-tail keywords.

Understand the Search Intent

Knowing what each keyword intends to search for is very instrumental in creating relevant content. Consider the kind of intent and plan accordingly. I would suggest understanding the different types of search intent which include:

  • Informational Intent: It means the user is simply looking for information or an answer to their question.

  • Navigational Intent: Users' desire to get to certain websites or specific pages.

  • Transactional Intent: Ready to make a purchase or perform another specific action.

Use Keyword Gap Analysis

Keyword gap analysis serves the purpose of benchmarking against your competitors for common or missing keywords. This will also turn up new ideas that you may not have been using. Here's how you can conduct a keyword gap analysis:

○       Identify Competitors:  Determine who the key competitors in organic search are.

○       Analyze Competitor Keywords: According to SEMrush and Ahrefs, determine the keywords with which your competitors' websites appear on the search results.

○       Spot Gaps: There may be keywords that are used commonly but are missing in your content. Therefore, think of including them in your strategy.

Use Related Searches

Use related searches to get new keyword ideas. The following steps are to be followed to find related searches:

  • Google Related Searches: These appear at the bottom of Google search results.

  • People Also Ask: This is found under the Google search results and answers some of the more frequently asked questions.

  • Google Trends: This is where trending topics can be found, along with associated search terms, by using Google Trends.

Voice Search Optimization

Optimization of voice search is going to become important with each passing day because it is being adopted at an exponential rate. Think of natural language and what questions people would use while conducting voice searches and include those in your keyword strategy. Here are some tips for optimizing for voice search:

  • Focus on Natural Language: Work conversational phrases and natural language into the content.

  • Answer Questions: Create content that literally answers common questions relevant to your niche.

  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile, as voice searches are typically conducted on mobile devices.

Develop Content Themes

Based on the keyword research, create the content themes that allow for the wedding together of the target keywords and what your audience is really interested in. I always explore the following formats for content:

  • Blog Posts: Informational and entertaining blog posts need to be developed which shall answer frequently asked questions and cover common topics.

  • Videos can be used as a supplement to the written word in order to engage visual learners.

  • Infographics can be designed for information that is complex and would not be effectively communicated in text only.

  • Plan Your Content Calendar:  Put together a content calendar with your planned content subjects, dates of posting, and methods for promotion. Having a content calendar will help you get everything aligned and on track, but it will also keep you on the ball in terms of consistent, continuous production. This includes:

  • Content Themes: Within this column, jot down themes and keywords to be covered in each content piece.

  • Publish Dates: Keeping track of the publish dates allows one to keep up to date regarding the posting frequency in a strategy.

  • Promotion Strategy: Determine ways in which you can promote each content piece so it reaches your desired audience.

Any successful strategy in SEO must, therefore, include proper keyword research execution. From my experience, interacting with the target audience, analyzing search volume and keyword difficulty, and using the right tools have helped businesses develop effective strategies for keywords. Develop a good leading position over your competitors by keeping a tab on performance and adjusting where necessary to maintain optimization. Plan and execute this carefully to create content that will attract visitors to your website, keep them, and eventually convert them into customers. If you want your SEO rankings to soar, trust Creatibly to help you in this journey. Contact us at the earliest!

How to Conduct Keyword Research for SEO

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